Mon 27 Jan
💗 💙💗💗 °☆°50$$(15min-INCALL :-)《《JA©KPOT》》 ◤♥◢ δωεε† && Crεam¥ ◤♥◢ 💎 THICK+BLONDE-38DDD💙💗 - 26
(Mobile, Airport-I65 Incalls/ Outcalls)
Mizz Strawberry is back & better than ever! Private and discreet - 20
(Mobile, mobile and surrounding areas)
MS Juelz ♡♡ Must See 100%Real And Ready 75$Pl No Wait - 21
(Mobile, Mobile Incalls Outcall available)
** $uP€r ThI¢K B£θNdi€ ₩hθ ₩AnT$ tθ §€t V€r¥ nAu§Ht¥ ** - 29
(Mobile, Mobile and all surrounding areas)
Sun 26 Jan
( Mobile, Alabama)
Sun 12 Jan
**** SEXY SENSUAL " SUMMER LOVE" $50 special **** (251)382-9852 - 25
(Mobile, Servicing Mobile and Baldwin Counties)
SEXY, SWEET & PETiTE! Let me be your secret TREAT! 100% real guaranteed 80$ SPECiALS ♥ - 22
(Mobile, Mobile Incalls/Outcalls)
♡♥Red China ★ Back ★ In★ Town ♡♥ {{$100}} ☎ Incalls && Outcalls ☎ A vailable Now *^▁^* - 21
Sat 11 Jan
**¥¥**SwEeT TaLL SEXY •°•°• °Special 60°•°• 60°*°Leaving soon - 23
(Mobile, incalls only tillmans corner)
🎉🎊V.i.p 🎉🎊 ~😷fun party girl😷discreet,Busty, Freaky😋, and ready 🎉😷 - 23
(in & outcalls upscale men only!!, Mobile)
Korrie Topz 💣Most Kinky Experience 💄💋•$50 QV • Sloppy Toppy • Bomb Booty😙 - 22
(Incalls Only 💋504(202)0769💜, Mobile)
Super Freaky!! Super Sexy!! Juicy AZZ [NEW IN TOWN ]] .., U PICK the - 19
nEW New.Thick Rich, classy, upscale goddess with an amazing body - 26
(Mobile, Pascagoula biloxi moss point)
Ur [TeMP0RaRY GiRLFriEnD] .XoXo. 👉 ReViEWeD & ReCoMMenDeD.*!👈 (uиғσяɢɛттαвℓɛ ρε†¡†ε. ∂¡r†γ. †rεα†) - 29
(Huntsville, Discreet (University) Incalls)
•✿•*VISTING♥¨* •✿•¨♥¨*• SuPa FrEaKs •✿•*¨♥¨*• Busty•*¨♥¨*• Exotic•✿•*¨♥ Dominicans - 24
(Mobile, mobile incalls/surrounding outs)
Tiffaney In Town Now (504)717-7336 (( Incalls )) ___ 100% Real __ $100 - 23
(Mobile, mobile I-65 By The Mall)
Fri 10 Jan
$Sweet & Sexy$ Mobile & Baldwin Counties Welcome To Play With Me$ - 21
(InCalls Or OutCalls 150$HHr Or 250$Hr, Mobile)
* UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE * ¥Ou WanT iT cOmE n GeT iT ** 2 GiRl SpEcIaLspEcIaLs ** - 29
(Mobile, Mobile and all surrounding areas)
SuPeR TH¡©K!! .*♥*. EXoT¡©!! .*♥*. Full-F¡GuReD BeAuTY!! .*♥*. SPe©¡ALZ!! - 27
(Mobile, Mobile AL - INCALLS ONLY!!)
_ ★ T H E ★ _____ ★ 2 G I R L S★ ____ ★ O F ★ ____ ★ Y O U R ★ _______ ★ D R E A M S ★ _______ ★ - 21
(Mobile, mobile;semmes;therdore surrounding areas)
UP ALL NiGHT ★ [Specials] ★ BEAUTY & C U R V E S ★ Limited Time Only - 25
(Tuscaloosa, incalls & outcalls)
♛•✦• ((OvER)) ❤ HeRE ❤ BoYs (( SiMplE. )) •✦•♛ 100% ReAL NeW PiCs !! - 22
(Mobile, Moss Point,MS INCALLS ONLY)
MOBILE Incall with college coed *BRITTNEY* NEW NEW NEW late night spcl. $100 - 21
(Mobile, Mobile / By The Airport Mall / Incalls)
New Girl ___ CHRISTINA Incalls By Appointment Only _____ Alway's A VIP Girl __ (985)-718-9294 - 32
(Mobile, Mobile / By The Airport Mall / Outcalls)
x [✔] EXOTIC [✔] [✔] ADDICTIVE [✔] TOP NOTCH PLEASER x!! Appt only! Lexxy Vegas!! - 25
(Mobile, iNCALLS & iTRAVEL)
Thu 09 Jan
♡♥Red China ★ Back ★ In★ Town ♡♥ {{$100}} ☎ Incalls && Outcalls ☎ Available Now *^▁^* - 21
•°o♥•° S—e—X—y— •°o♥•°EBONY • °o♥•° P—L—a—Y—m—A—T—E •°o♥•°New intown specials - 19
(Mobile, INCALLS)
REDHEAD hot long leggs ONE OF A kind 🌟🌟🌟🌟sexy 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🍒🍓🍒🍓 BUSTY BEAUTY - 23
(Auburn, Birmingham, Huntsville, INCALL/OUTCALL, Mobile, Montgomery)
* THiCK * BuSTY * BiG BooTY * FRE@K * Re@dy To PLE@$E * 60 Special * - 26
(Mobile, airport/i.65 service rd in/outcalls)
❇StOp HeRe LeT mE bE YoUr pLeAsUrE 💋 SuPeR 💋 SeXy 💋 BlOnDe BoMbShElL 🌟 100% real pictures - 25
(Mobile, mobile and all surrounding areas)